

Useful information

How to reach us

By car, bus, motorcycle, bicycle
Take the A4 motorway towards Trieste – Exit at Lisert – continue for approximately 20 km towards Trieste Centro – reach Piazza Libertà (central station) and take the first street on the left, Via della Geppa, the hotel is on the right.

By Train
Arrive at Trieste Centrale FFSS station – exit onto Piazza Libertà and proceed to the right towards Piazza Unità, take the first street on the left, Via della Geppa.

By Plane
From Ronchi dei Legionari Airport or Marco Polo Airport in Venice, take the shuttle bus to Trieste, arriving at the Air Terminal in the central station then reach us on foot following the directions above.

Via della Geppa, 15,
34132 Trieste TS

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